Rua Chile recebe obras de pavimentação

No último sábado, dia 20 de julho, começaram as obras de pavimentação da Rua Chile, nos 681 metros entre as ruas João Negrão e Desembargador Westphalen. Os serviços devem seguir até o dia 31 de julho.

A via faz a ligação entre os bairros Jardim Botânico, Capanema, Rebouças, Água Verde, Vila Izabel e Portão e serve de corredor para linhas do transporte coletivo.

Rua Chile Novo asfalto
Foto: Pedro Ribas/Secretaria Municipal da Comunicação Social

Nesta quarta-feira, dia 24 de julho, o prefeito Rafael Greca e o secretário municipal de Obras Públicas, Rodrigo Rodrigues, vistoriaram as obras de pavimentação. “Dentro da nossa ideia de requalificar as ruas por onde passam ônibus e que são ligações entre bairros, venho inspecionar o asfalto novo na Rua Chile, a rua da Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rócio”, disse Rafael Greca.

Pela Rua Chile passam as linhas 011 Interbairros I (anti-horário), 050 Interbairros V, 165 Universidades, 216 Cabral – Portão, 506 Bairro Novo, 561 Guilhermina, 594 Menonitas e 665 Vila Rex.


Além da Rua Chile, outras dez ruas da Regional Matriz terão o pavimento revitalizado. No total, serão 8.610 metros de asfalto novo e nove bairros atendidos: Ahú, Bigorrilho, Bom Retiro, Centro Cívico, Cristo Rei, Juvevê, Mercês, Rebouças e São Francisco.

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    Rebolo balanceamento: utiliza três pesos de correcção para eliminar o desequilíbrio.

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    Gráficos espectrais: representação gráfica do espectro de frequências para análise aprofundada.

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    by assisting energy to stream easily around the body once again they’re
    able to ease the symptoms of persistent discomfort and improve psychological wellbeing.
    A 2015 review of scientific trials found that every released study reports benefits in post-treatment pain reduction. Some research study concludes that standard Thai massage results in a reduction in discomfort of
    as much as 80% with the benefits kept for over 3 months at a time,
    consisting of enhancements in muscle stress, versatility and even anxiety.
    Findings published in the International Journal of Neuroscience recommend that
    massage therapy has favorable impacts on the hormonal
    agents and chemicals that regulate state of minds by decreasing cortisol and increasing both serotonin and dopamine.
    This effective triple action can help in reducing depression and
    promote happiness. Obviously, beyond the dry science,
    Thai yoga massage also simply feels actually, really nice.
    Guided by an experienced therapist, purposeful extending
    combined with well-established pressure methods helps soothes the muscles and enhance blood flow, leaving you relaxed
    and calm, ready to handle anything. Welcome to pain and stress management,
    Thai-style. We welcome you to come in and experience the
    magic of a Thai yoga Massage on your own. To reserve your Thai yoga massage at Castle Thai Spa,
    click here.
    Body-to-body massage, also known as B2B massage, is a sensual and intimate
    kind of massage that includes the use of not simply hands, however
    the whole body to offer relaxation and enjoyment. In this post, we will explore the
    different elements of body-to-body massage, including its origins, methods,
    benefits, and security precautions. Whether you are a specialist or somebody thinking about experiencing this unique kind of massage,
    this post will offer you with valuable insights and details.
    Let’s begin by acquiring a much deeper understanding of body-to-body
    massage. This ancient practice has its roots in numerous
    cultures throughout history. Body-to-body massage, also referred to as B2B massage, is a kind of massage that goes beyond the standard techniques.
    It is an intimate and sensual experience that involves the close connection in between the provider and receiver.
    Unlike other kinds of massage, B2B massage includes using numerous body parts, such as
    the arms, chest, and legs, to provide a more immersive and satisfying experience.
    Body-to-body massage has been practiced for centuries in various parts of the world.
    Its origins can be traced back to ancient Asian cultures, such as India and China, where it was
    believed to enhance spiritual and physical wellness. In these ancient customs, body-to-body massage was considered a
    holistic approach to healing and relaxation. In India, body-to-body massage was
    called “abhyanga,” which suggests “caring hands.”
    It was a spiritual practice that was believed to balance the body’s energy and promote total wellness.
    In China, body-to-body massage became part of the Taoist
    custom and was utilized to promote the circulation of vital energy, known as “qi,” throughout the body.
    Throughout history, body-to-body massage has actually evolved and adapted to various cultures and
    societies. In some cultures, it was seen as a kind of art and
    charm, while in others, it was considered a therapeutic practice.

    Today, body-to-body massage is extensively recognized for its capability to supply both
    psychological and physical benefits. At its core,
    body-to-body massage includes the intimate connection in between the provider and receiver, developing a sense of trust and intimacy.
    The provider utilizes their body to apply pressure and perform numerous massage techniques on the receiver’s body.

    During a body-to-body massage, the provider may use their arms to glide
    efficiently over the receiver’s back, offering a peaceful and calming experience.
    The chest might be utilized to use gentle pressure to particular locations,
    launching stress and promoting deep relaxation. The legs might be utilized to carry
    out extending motions, enhancing flexibility and increasing
    blood circulation. One of the crucial concepts of body-to-body massage is
    the focus on today minute. Both the giver and receiver are motivated to be fully present and conscious of
    their feelings and bodies. This mindfulness permits a much deeper
    connection and enhances the overall experience. Another
    important concept of body-to-body massage is interaction. The giver and receiver should honestly communicate their choices, boundaries, and
    any pain they might experience during the session. This guarantees that both
    parties are comfy and can fully take pleasure in the experience.
    Overall, body-to-body massage is an intimate and distinct practice that uses a
    variety of physical and psychological advantages.

    The advantages of Thai massage may be really 21st century however they
    have their roots in ancient Eastern practices
    established over thousands of years. We invite you to come in and experience the magic of a Thai yoga Massage
    for yourself. Body-to-body massage, also known as B2B massage,
    is a sensuous and intimate type of massage that includes the use
    of not just hands, however the whole body to supply relaxation and enjoyment.
    Body-to-body massage, also known as B2B massage, is a kind of massage that goes beyond the conventional techniques.
    The provider utilizes their body to use pressure and perform numerous massage strategies on the receiver’s body.

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